alhamdulillah semua registration dah selesai. kolej & fakulti. all done!
alhamdulillah sangat2 dapat kolej. ramai friends in my courses xdapat kolej for this semester. because problems with coupon. that we need to collect for every sem for us to get college. so to get the college we all need at least 15 coupons. feel pity for them because langsung xleh buat rayuan. and we heard that for next semester whole students from professional courses wont get any college! wont uguys think they are cruel???we gonna fight for it. for the time being sgt2 bersyukur dapat kolej.
my roomates are nusaibah (all the time with her) haha , khairina, atikah hanna, aini syahirah & kak jugak bilik kami dapat ni because it freezingggg haha no lah just terlindung matahari..
daftar fakulti..i'm taking p1 & p2. insyaALLAH if i pass my exam for last sem. 8th feb come out!!
but now i'm in dilemma whether to take p3 or just taking OBU right after pass f9.. hopefully i'll pass my exam. i really want to end my studies this 2013. really really badly.. SO i made a plan if i pass all papers i will taking P1, P2 & OBU. and for next sem i will taking p3 and other 2 optional paper. insyaALLAH please pray may ALLAH ease my way.
now tgah tggu duit dari MARA. please doakan cepat sikit dapt duit. really need money. banyak sgttttt benda nk bayar...:( hopefullly dpt cepat bcoz MARA says that they already posted the cheque to uitm. no have to wait uitm to process the cheque and i dont when will i get the cheque. some friends told that usually we have to wait another month to get the cheque. :( lambatnyaaa!!!
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